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Manually Throttling a Large Number of Search Manager Updates

TechDoc supports performing a resubmit all from a DM to an SM from low to high priority. However, you many occasionally need complete manual throttling of updates to coordinate limited resources between difference groups. In order to do that, you can use the following procedure to have total control of resources when performing a large update.

TechDoc Network Port Usage

We've received a couple of requests to provide TCP/IP port usage information for TechDoc so that firewalls can limit network traffic without limiting features of the product. The following lists provide port usage by TechDoc product. Keep in mind this is just for TechDoc and does not take into account any ports that may be needed on the machine by Windows or any other products that may be installed on it.

DM (Document Manager)

Rendering and Accessibility

We've received multiple questions about rendering and accessibility. TechDoc attempts to be as accessible as reasonably possible but it needs your help as well. Accessibility is all about providing extra information to assist people with disabilities to understand what you trying to convey whether the person is visually impaired (blind, color-blind, needs large magnification, etc.) or physically impaired (unable to use a mouse or keyboard effectively, etc.)

DM Cannot Send Updates to SM Due to SSL Error

If a DM cannot send updates to an SM, it is normally a network connectivity issue but can occasionally be from an SSL certificate problem. If it is an SSL issue, the DM may report an exception that begins with the following line: PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target

Controlling which sheets render in an Excel workbook

Many of our customers wanted the ability to control which sheets in an Excel workbook would render as many times extra sheets only contain data that feeds into the sheet(s) they actually want printed. To support this ability, TechDoc only renders the sheets that are selected when the document is saved and checked into TechDoc. If your Excel workbook is already in TechDoc, you will first need to reserve (check out) the document.

When you select sheets in a workbook, you will normally use the bottom lower left corner of the Excel window. That area should look something like this:

Redirecting HTTP to HTTPS on an IIS Web Site

As a good security practice, all TechDoc traffic (and for that matter, almost all web application traffic) should be conducted over HTTPS. On Windows, TechDoc runs underneath IIS so almost all IIS features and capabilities can be applied to the TechDoc web application. One fix for HTTPS is to simply set your web site to require HTTPS only.

Integrating TechDoc with Outlook 2013

Since version 7, TechDoc has had the ability to integrate directly with most standalone email clients through the use of the IMAP/IMAPS protocol. There are vast array of email clients out there and most support IMAP these days: Microsoft Outlook, Mozilla ThunderBird, Evolution, etc. Once you've connected your email client to your TechDoc user account, you'll be able to simply drag emails from your inbox directly into folders within TechDoc!

Disabling TLS 1.0 on a Server Running TechDoc 9

Now with multiple attacks available against TLS 1.0, more system administrators are interested in disabling the protocol in order to harden their servers. TechDoc 9 has been updated to support running without TLS 1.0 (and all prior SSL protocols) being enabled. However, it can be a little tricky to get all the parts in place to do so. Here's a list of steps needed to disable TLS 1.0 on your server.
  1. Upgrade Microsoft SQL Server

Configuring ADFS 3.0 as an SSO Identity Provider for TechDoc

TechDoc's SAML Authenticator supports most of the Single-Sign-On implementations out there. That being said, Microsoft's Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS) works quite well as an Identity Provider and can be easily configured by way of a SAML Authenticator to achieve access starting in a TechDoc 9 or newer Document Manager (DM). This will give all of your TechDoc DM users a quick and easy way to authenticate and log into TechDoc using your current ADFS setup. We'll go over the steps needed to exchange metadata between the two and configure both sides as needed.