History Report Fields

While running document History reports, I noticed that the “Reason” field is not part of the summary.
I see the following fields:
Date / Username / Action / Details.

I believe that it would be very beneficial if the contents of the “Reason” field would be added to this report.

I do not have high level permissions to create reports that include all available fields.


Joe Prevo's picture

Thu, 09/03/2015 - 10:14

This seems like a very good suggestion. It threw us at first because you mentioned reports and "reports" can show reason. Then we realized that you were talking about the "Show History" and "Show Activity" screens.

We have evaluated your request and it is quite easy to deal with. It is tentatively schedule to be part of the TechDoc 9 release and will be worked under issue DM-641. The change will be made so that any activity or history screen that displayed details will also display the reason (not just for documents). In addition, the Search Mgr has comparable history screens that only SM admins see. The same improvement will be made on the Search Mgr under issue SM-126 to keep functionality similar on both products.