How about a TechDoc Integrations Forum?

Have you thought of establishing a Forum here devoted to Integration-- i.e. TechDoc to other vendors' systems such as SharePoint, BMC Remedy, ServiceNow, SAP, etc. ?

As a starter for this type of Forum, I'd be interested in any thoughts that Prevo Technologies or any DocuBrain/TechDoc users may have about how to capitalize on integration opportunities such as the following from ServiceNow's advertised "Integration Technologies":

"Forms, lists, and reports on the (ServiceNow) platform can be accessed directly using a URL, which facilitates integration on the UI level between two or more web applications" We're thinking this may be a good way to manage in place a lot of SN content that qualifies as Official Record information, using TechDoc's Non-Resident document features and URL links along with the Records/RMA Plan functionality.

Any thoughts?


Joey Prevo's picture

We've created a forum that is specifically aimed at 3rd party software integration, and have moved your questions there.

TechDoc has many methods of integrating with 3rd party software generically. Typically however, integration with a particular application is very specific to that product. Additionally, the customer's usage of that product is always very unique as well.

When integrating with another parties software, we must first identify the desired functionality before we can discuss the best method to use i.e. a software protocol such as SOAP, IMAP (for an email application), etc. or depending on the level of functionality, custom software.

Given the uniqueness of each situation, we encourage our users to explore the functionality of their 3rd party software to identify any existing integration utilities, software protocols, etc. Once all of the available mechanisms of that software have been determined, we can decide how best to integrate with that software.

Please feel free to create forum topics pertaining to any integration questions, and we'll be happy to answer them as we see.

Thanks for the suggestion!