
Just got TechDoc 9 and am trying to use workflows but when I click on the workflow tab, I never get the workflow editor, just a screen that wants me to upload a file.


Joey Prevo's picture

Wed, 11/16/2016 - 10:53

Are you trying to access the workflow editor from within TechDoc? The workflow editor is a standalone client software that must be installed on the workstation where workflow processes will be built. When you click the Workflow tab in TechDoc, it takes you to the workflow dashboard where you can manage workflows that have already been deployed. If you have built a workflow using the editor and saved it out (this will produce a .bar file) you can manually upload the deployment using the Create Deployment action on the workflow dashboard but typically speaking, users just upload the workflow deployment directly from the client.

The TechDoc Workflow Guide is a good place to start. It goes through the basics of using the editor, creating a process, and uploading the process to TechDoc.

TechDoc 9 Workflow Guide

We'll happy to assist you with the creation of the first few processes while you get the hang of it. Feel free to email us with the specifics and we'll help you get started.

Wed, 11/16/2016 - 12:18

Do I install it on my workstation like The Client?

Wed, 11/16/2016 - 12:21

I see under Products it says I don't have a license to download, yet at the last TechDoc working group, the discussion seemed to imply that we did.

Joe Prevo's picture

Wed, 11/16/2016 - 13:10

Hello Laura, we will contact you directly to assist you through the NASA process to get set up with workflow. We don't automatically enable all DocuBrain accounts to have all download privileges. NASA, as well as other TechDoc customers, want us to limit who can download various components so they don't have end users trying to install things without their knowledge/assistance. Also from a licensing perspective, they want to control who is using their available licenses.

As such, DocuBrain accounts normally start out without any download privileges and then privileges are added as the central customer contact approves individuals from their organization to download the various DocuBrain/TechDoc components.