TechDoc Installation

Questions about installation and configuration that do not pertain to a particular product

SQL Server connection refused when installing/upgrading TechDoc

When installing or upgrading TechDoc, it is possible to encounter an issue where a connection to SQL Server is refused. Make sure you have connectivity to SQL Server and your SA credentials are correct. This can be done by opening the SQL Server Management Studio and logging in with the SA username and password.

Updating to TechDoc 7b

First and foremost, as with any lettered updates, your DM and/or SM must already be running the same major version of TechDoc to perform the upgrade. In other words, to apply TechDoc 7b, your server must already be running TechDoc 7, 7a, or 7b to proceed. And yes, you can always safely reapply an update against itself. As always, each SM should be updated before any DM(s) that populates it. DM's do not need to be immediately updated (you could wait weeks or months); they just need to be updated last.